Opening of another part of the permanent exhibition “Exiled to Siberia. The fate of Polish citizens deported deep into the Soviet Union during World War II – IRAN”.
On 10 February 2024, at the Centre for Documentation of Deportations, Expulsions and Resettlements of the University of the Commission for National Education Fort ‘Skotniki’, the exhibition ‘Deported to Siberia. The fate of Polish citizens deported deep into the Soviet Union during World War II – IRAN”.
The exhibition was created as part of the ‘Excellence Initiative – Research University’ programme, implemented by the University of the Commission of National Education in Krakow. The exhibition, prepared under the direction of Professor Hubert Chudzio, presents the history of civilians who escaped from the USSR with General Anders’s army, with particular emphasis on their stay in Iran. We invite you to visit the only exhibition of this kind in south-eastern Poland!
- foto Żaneta Wierzgacz (IPN)
- foto Żaneta Wierzgacz (IPN)
- foto prof. Hubert Chudzio
- foto Natalia Czesak (CDZWiP)
- foto prof. Hubert Chudzio
- foto Natalia Czesak (CDZWiP)
- foto prof. Hubert Chudzio
- foto prof. Hubert Chudzio