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80th anniversary of the Battle of Monte Cassino

‘I remember that day when Monte Cassino was taken. I was there. I mean the artillery was a bit further away. And we heard out of nowhere the ‘Hejnał mariacki’ and the Polish flag hung on [Monte] Cassino. We saw it.’ – Stanislaw Jezioro recalls.
80 years ago, soldiers of the 2nd Polish Corps under General Władysław Anders captured Monte Cassino, and the Polish flag hung on the hill!
On 18 May 1944, after extremely fierce fighting, the monastery hill was finally captured and enemy resistance broken. These actions opened the way for the Allies to take Rome and other strategic cities on the Apennine Peninsula.
As part of the round anniversary of the Battle of Monte Cassino, an exhibition on, among other things, the 2nd Polish Corps is being opened at the headquarters of the CDZWiP Fort Skotniki!
We encourage you to read the accounts of witnesses to history – participants in the battle of Monte Cassino. Their recollections were recorded by the Centre’s team during research projects carried out in the UK.