Scientific Conference ‘Death – taboo, fear or fascination: analysis from the perspective of different scientific disciplines’

Natalia Czesak, Natalia Kaszuba and Wiktoria Zarębczan participated in the National Scientific Conference ‘Death – taboo, fear or fascination: analysis from the perspective of different scientific disciplines’, organised by the Foundation for the Promotion of Science and Development TYGIEL, which aimed to explore the topic of death from the perspective of different scientific disciplines between researchers representing different academic centres. Representatives of the CDZWiP gave a paper entitled. ‘‘I belonged to those juvenile gravediggers’- death in exile in the memories and photographic accounts of Siberians in the 1940s and 1950s’. The talk managed to talk about death, burial and funeral rites in exile and Polish cemeteries in Africa, closely relating to the activities of our unit.
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