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Archival and library search in Canada completed!

Meanwhile at the Centre!
The archival and library search carried out in Canada, as part of the project of the National Programme for the Development of the Humanities of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, headed by Prof. Hubert Chudzio, entitled. “Diaspora of Polish Sybiraks in the world – a record of source accounts / Notations and home archives of Sybiraks in the country – archival team”. Thanks to the work carried out at the National Archives and Library in Ottawa, the Polish Scientific Institute and the W. Stachiewicz Library in Montreal, the archives of the Association of Polish Veterans named after Marshal J. Piłsudski in Montreal, the archives of the Polish Parish of Our Lady of Czestochowa in Montreal and the home archives of witnesses to history – the current state of research has been verified and the materials necessary for the scientific study of the source accounts of Polish Sybiraks in Montreal have been obtained.
We beautifully thank our Canadian partners for their invaluable help and support!
A special “thank you” goes to: Mateusz Samulewski, Stanislaw Latek and Stefan Wladysiuk from the Polish Institute, Jozef Foltyn and Andrzej Tutaj from the Veterans Association, the Babiński family headed by Mrs Halina Babiński – a Sybiracker and Kazimierz Babiński, the Czartoryski family and the priests of the Franciscan Order: Fr Adam Zawacki and Fr Jozef Blaszak from the Polish parish in Montreal.
