Meeting with the authorities of the Association of University Museums

On 1 July 2024, at the University of the Commission of National Education in Krakow, His Magnificence Professor Piotr Borek, PhD, met with the authorities of the Association of University Museums. Discussions concerning the possibility of broader cooperation, the exchange of good practices and experiences in the academic field, the implementation of projects, as well as joint activities related to the protection of cultural and national heritage, were attended by SMU President Dr Hubert Kowalski, Prof. UW, SMU Vice-President Dr Joanna Ślaga and the Director of the Centre for the Documentation of Displaced Persons, Expulsions and Resettlement of the UKEN, a unit that is an institutional member of the SMU, Dr Hubert Chudzio, Prof. UKEN.
The most important objective of the Association of University Museums is to work for the development of university museums and the preservation of academic heritage through its protection, dissemination, promotion, as well as supporting the collection, documentation and conservation of monuments, initiating and conducting scientific research. The SMU conducts extensive information activities to promote the idea of university museums in Poland and abroad.